Thursday, December 11, 2014


I am getting married on Saturday. Can't write a big blog post this week because of a million things to do. Oh yeah, I got the job at the school!

Be blessed!

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Please Hold my Reeling Head

Nothing is Settled Yet

The Wedding

Preparations for the wedding are still quite crazy. We forgot until recently about signing a prenup contract until our priest asked us about it. It is less than two weeks before the big day and I only kind of finalized the guest many people are saying "maybe" they'll come. What is finalized is the number of cupcakes and champagne bottles we are buying. At this stage there are more than 3 cupcakes per person and that does not include the savoury snacks yet (which I haven't finalized yet). That is a lot of cupcakes, but hey, we don't even need to order take out for the honeymoon then. We can sequester ourselves in our luxury suite and live off of cupcakes! Awesome! Hahaha.

The Job

So, I signed a contract for a year from the start of January to interpret 20 hours a week. I have never felt called to be an interpreter and pretty much do it because it is the highest paying part-time job around and I am good at it most of the time. I haven't been at peace about not having a full-time job even though I am really interested in pursuing a degree in chemistry. I haven't stopped the crying, even though it has been getting less than it was at the very start. Then last night, a lady, for whom I had done some volunteer work at her school a while back, contacted me and asked whether I'd be interested in a teaching post at her brand new christian school. I immediately said that if they can at least match my interpreting salary, then I would be willing to drop everything and work there. The reason for this is that I was busy asking God what He wants me to do next year, and she contacted me out of the blue. It seems like a sign.

Here is Where it Gets Crazy...

When I went to see her and her husband in person about the job they have for me, they confessed that they actually need a school principle with my accreditation. So far, they know of no one else who is willing to help them start the school with the kind of accreditation that I have. I have never even been a full-time teacher, let alone a principle! Even so everyone is relatively positive about this including betrothed.
There are some small problems though. Everything has to be finalized really quickly because I am getting married in less than two weeks, and then I am off on honeymoon until the end of December. The job I currently have a contract for starts in January. My month's notice is already too late; especially considering that the school wants me to go for training most of January. I hope I can leave in good standing at the other job.

To an Ending Which is Happily Ever After

I am not one to sit still in the same town for the next 50 years; finding out what I am doing next year means exactly that: what I am doing next year. I am a person of exploration and creativity and new exciting adventures.  I don't believe a perfect happily ever after is possible in this life, but that it is in the the life to come. I believe since I try to submit everything to God; He will make my life a great one. I believe He has brought betrothed and I together. I wish that sometimes my heart would not forget that I believe in so much more than I can see.


It was my bridal shower that Saturday that I thought it would be! I knew it! Ha! And it was very nice, with very nice gifts and money too. Thanks stepmom!